Heidi Rathjen: from tragedy to triumph

(2003) Documentary, 46min

Heidi Rathjen: from tragedy to triumph

December 6th, 1989: Marc Lépine entered the Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal and shot 14 women. Heidi Rathjen was there. She never forgot.

The documentary Heidi Rathjen: from Tragedy to Triumph tells the story of a courageous young woman and her fight to prevent further atrocity. The film reports the tragic events by relating the journey of the young woman from the tiny student union rooms to the cosy lounge of the House of Commons.

Armed with courage and her sense of civil justice, Heidi quits a lucrative job at Bell Canada to create the Coalition for Gun Control and wins her battle against the powerful pro-gun lobby. In 1995, Ottawa adopts the bill C-68 on gun control.

Production Company: Point de Mire
Director: Louise Racicot
Film Editor: François Gervais
Producer: Pierre Brochu

Categories: Biography, Society




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